"God Was There!"
by Pastor Jess Foglesong
Spring is upon us and it has been a very busy month with four events occurring: daylight savings time -- spring forwarded the clocks, except for our two “Atomic” clocks (it does it automatically); St. Patrick’s Day -- my wife cooked (actually crock potted it) corned beef and cabbage (delicious,) she‘s the Irish; Spring began on the 20th -- with a new beginning, a change in the landscape and terrain, the blossoms start blooming and falling; And lastly, Good Friday, followed by Easter Sunday … quite an eventful month.
My wife and I went to Easter Sunday services with her daughter’s family near the City of Benicia, Ca. This was our first time at this Christian Church, it was standing room only. And I was somewhat surprised that everyone was dressed in very casual attire. We had expected the usual “Easter” dress up; but it was just the opposite. There were lots of smiles and laughter … you might say -- lots of energy … flowing in the air. We found our way to the pews and right away a rock style band commenced to singing very upbeat Christian rock songs -- very good music, but not quite to what I had been used to … you know: the traditional stuff -- the choir or group singing “Jesus Loves You” songs and hymns.
I looked around and saw that most of the congregation were on the “younger” side. Not too many older or middle-aged; and certainly not too many of the Senior population. Nope, this was a vivacious younger crowd. But a very happy, content group. How time has changed the identity of going to Church: It has evolved to accommodate today’s upbeat, faster, yet more relaxed, casual, youthful generation. And they seem to like it!
And you know what? God was there! He was there -- on every child and adult’s faces, on every smile and laughter; in every song and music; in the enthusiasm and energy; in the atmosphere, and in the entire campus grounds and surrounding green pastured hills and crystal clear blue skied morning. God was there! His presence was heard; His light shone with immense brightness; His message , His Character, His love and graciousness, His breath permeated throughout, and His radiance illuminated all that gave praise of His awesomeness.
God was there … as He is here with me now … as He is with you at this moment. You will find God, not just at a Church gathering (on an Easter Sunday) as we experienced this past Sunday, but you will find Him where-ever you open your eyes, your thoughts, your mind. He is an active God. Constantly on the move -- Dynamic to the highest! He is always there (and here) for us … for you. Accept Him into your heart -- just as you are … there is no application to fill out … His gift is “free.” It has been paid for: you were held for ransom (by the evil one), and our Creator (our true Father) stepped up and found a way to redeem all of us. He enter into the human stream through the name of Jesus, The Christ. Lived as a human being -- as His one and only Son. Professed the message of Salvation. Disclosed the Father in Heaven as the Yahweh or the I am (also the I Will Be) … died on a cross … then was resurrected back home to the right side of the Father.
The Restoration of humanity was completed; and the Vindication (of the Father) was finalized: The verdict? Innocent. And for Satan? Found Guilty … and to be sentence and put to death. For the moment, until The Christ returns for the full transformation of the “believers” -- God (in the interim) has allowed Satan to continue his influence on our will and try to convince us to look the other way; to misunderstand; to lose faith; to let the darkness move in.
I submit to you that -- GOD -- is worth it! That God is true to His word. That God is Loving, honorable, dependable, gracious … and so much more … I cannot describe all the words. His is actually -- Indescribable! We thank Him for His presence and His ever so shinning -- Light!