Touched by God

Church World Ministries

This is an "Online" Ministry, reaching throughout the globe with God's Word and His Good News (The Gospel of Christ); now reaching over 50 Countries, including Africa, Indonesia, South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and many more; primarily here in these United States of America!  And on our facebook page called "Touched by God Church World Ministries; 120,000 Followers.  As well as our local "Music and Chat" ministry with vocalist/guitarist Chaplain Jess Foglesong.  We give thanks ... to God for His calling and inspiration ... in Jesus name! 




(In Association with our outreach program: "Music-Chat Ministry" with Chaplain/Pastor, Vocalist/Guitarist Jess Foglesong)



Touched By God (online) Church World Ministries is a Non-Denominational, Theological, God-Christ based Ministry, relying on the inspired Words of the Old and New Testament, and illustrations in Nature, reaching out to all the world! ... also go to our "facebook" page: Touched by God Church World Ministries ... please "Like" the page for very important gospel information shared with other Christians and believers in God through Christ Jesus!


Founder: Pastor  Jess K Foglesong

Pastor Jess Foglesong, is a retired college instructor, Vocalist--Guitarist; Student of Theology, Ordained Minister, Pastoral Counselor, Doctor of Divinity, and founder and Pastor of Touched By God (Online) Church and World Ministries (founded 2008); originally from the Big Island of Hawaii. Now enjoying semi-retirement, with his wife, in the Napa Valley, Ca. Spends much of his time preaching online, visiting hospitals and nursing homes (as Chaplain) and studying the Word and Character of God.


Pastor Jess is also the Church's Ordained Chaplain under the authority of Touched By God Church World Ministries; under God, through The Christ Jesus of Nazareth, through His Holy Spirit .... in promoting and advocating the true character of God, The Father ... through his daily activities, either online associations, or as he makes his rounds throughout the city and countryside in visiting Senior communities with group and personal visits, through the Church's "Music and Chat Ministry" ...  And in assisting those in need on the road, whether in emergency aid, general welfare, or spiritual understanding! (Pastor/Chaplain Jess's experiences are:  a retired Firefighter/Arson Investigator, Emergency Medical Tech., Physical Therapy Technician, Recreation Specialist, Certified Nurses Assistant, Police Officer, US Air Force K-9 Handler, Vietnam Veteran and and now -- Ordained Minister )



The Mission

The Mission of  Touched By God Church Ministries is to utilize (a gift of God) the world wide web via the internet website ( and other social sites (through the Holy Spirit) to pass on the knowledge and truth and message of The Gospel, through the grace of God, the Father ... that His Son, The Christ, Jesus came to earth as a man (a God-man) to live and sacrifice himself as the Lamb of God, as a ransom for all of mankind ... to pay the penalty of Sin; establishing a new blood covenant; giving all ... the choice, to accept The Gift of eternal Life ... or refuse, ending in Death!


Pastor Jess has placed messages and lessons on Youtube Video:

Pastor Jess' Sermons and discussion are on Youtube Video! Click on that page for great, eye-opening lessons on the Character of God and amazing theological studies centering on God, His Son The Christ, Jesus ... the Gospel and Biblical History.




Pastor Jess has written and published six books; his latest is:

"God is Our Father in Heaven!"

This Book is dedicated to God, our Father in Heaven, who sacrificed His Son, The Christ Jesus, to redeem a lost human race! God sent His Son to earth as an extension of Himself in heaven, to be an embryo, a fetus and a Christ-child, to become the chosen Messiah … as written in Isaiah. His Son came as a disclosure of the true character of God, the supreme ruler of the universe. And he came to free human kind from the diabolical grip of slavery brought upon all by the prince of darkness: Lucifer (Satan). Death could not hold The Christ, as He rose in victory! He indeed became the reflection of his Father in heaven, radiating and projecting His loving, benevolent, gentle manner for all to see.

The book(s) are available on ebook (Kindle) format or in soft-cover ... at, Barnes & Noble, Borders and most online bookstores.















Touched by God Jacket, T-shirts are available -- through



Touched by God Church World Ministries was granted with all of the rights, privileges and benefits accorded of the Independent Church charter # 11974 (year, 2008)

Touched by God Church World Ministries is affiliated with these past and present online sites. 

(Google & Facebook social networks) Websites:

  • Touched by God (online) Church World Ministries (facebook)
  • Pastor Jess K Foglesong (facebook)
  • Chapain Jess Foglesong
  • Chaplain's Corner, God and Country
  • Rev. Jess K. Foglesong, Author of "God became The God-Man, as The Christ!"
  • God became The God-Man, as The Christ
  • The Cross is God's Gift to Human Kind
  • God Hates Arrogance
  • God's Wisdom is Within You!
  • God's Wisdom! Ever-present for You and Me
  • God Bless! And Thank you for your Service!
  • America, Under God!
  • Godian, Advocate of God!
  • God's Signs and Illustrations
  • Touched By God and Angels
  • Twitter -- Rev-Jess Foglesong
  • Touched by God Church World
  • Killing Jesus, The sacrificial Innocent Lamb!
  • God is In Control, all the time
  • Touched by God Church World Ministries (Google blog)
  • Chaplain:Music & Chat Ministry (facbook)
  • Gospel Bible Verses, Photo Ministry (facebook)
  • Hospitable Chaplain Neighborhood Patrol (facebook)
  • For-Life Ministry (facebook)
  • (Music & Chat Ministry) Website
  • National Association of Chaplains

Feel free to write us of your thoughts, your feelings of spirituals needs and concerns: email me at   or express your thoughts, comments or prayers on our "Comments & Message" page ... or go to our "Facebook" page (Touched by God World Ministries) ...

God's best and thanks, Pastor Jess K Foglesong

Touched by God (online) Church is on "facebook" for your social needs and on Google blog:

And more (see above) 

Please give what you can to keep God's Word in the Forefront, and His Good News through Christ Jesus for All!

If you feel that this Church website is worth your time in understanding the word and character of God (through His Son, The Christ Jesus), please give what you can in helping to keep this website online to all the world, in the knowledge of the true gospel ... thanks so much! Here are two ways you can help!

 Or through PayPal.Me below:

Pastor Jess Foglesong, founder of World Ministries promoting the Word of God throughout the world and locally, here in the Bay Area ... Asking for your support in keeping this ministry active and strong, online, so as many as possible can hear and receive the Gospel of Christ Jesus ... Guaranteeing you ... Everlasting life! Please give what you can ... at  (you will be taken to a second window, to  ... Thank you so much, Pastor J Foglesong


Thankyou for stopping in at Touched by God (online) Church, and hope you return from time to time to be enlightened of the amazing love and grace of our Creator .... and of the gift of The Christ, Jesus!  Blessings to you and yours .....

Pastor Jess performing wedding ceremonies

God Bless you and yours!