Touched by God Church (online) World Ministries

Pastor Jess' (live videos) Biblical, Spiritual lessons and messages (page 3)




66.  The Uncompromising God!


67. Christ Sacrificed, Once and For All!



68. A New Birth into a Living Hope!

69.  Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness!


70. False Teachers and Their Destruction!



71.  Submit Yourself to God!




72.  The High Priest of a New Covenant!



73.  The Parable of the Farmer Scattering Seeds!



74.  Trials and Temptations!




75.  God's Love and Ours!



76. Sin and Doom of Ungodly People!




77.  God Disciplines His Children!




78.  Earth: An Arena of War! -- Part One



79. Earth: An Arena of War! -- Part Two




80.  Earth: An Arena of War! -- Part Three




81.  Does God Exist?  Is There a God? Part one





82.  Does God Exist? Is There a God?  Part Two





83.  The Lost Years!




84.   Does God Allow Suffering?  Part One




85.  Does God Allow Suffering? Part Two



86.  Does God Allow Suffering? Part Three




87.  Let's Not Lose Focus!




88.  Inspirations and Divine Truths!




89.  Welcome to Touched by God (online) Church World Ministries!



 More lessons and messages to come!

Thanks for stopping in to see the true Character of The Father in Heaven --

The God of The Universe!