This Sunday,  we wish all God's Blessings and prayers for all; we ask our Father in heaven to bring healing and recovery throughout this Nation and the World.  The prince of Darkness is stirring up havoc, but we know that The Prince of Peace is in control ... and will lead us -- his children -- back to Him, and to The Father -- to live eternally in peace and safety; with angels and family ... in Jesus name, Amen!

Please go to "God's Touch, NV" on Facebook for Sunday and daily Biblical messages by Pastor Jess ... Thanks so much and God Bless yoiu and Family!


On this Sunday, we indeed ask our Creator and Father in heaven to bring healing and recovery over the Land from this pandemic; and to ward off the malingering influence of evil; and to allow your Grace to fill the hearts and souls of your children, in understanding your plan and purpose in bringing all together with Wisdom and Faith, to hold on to your promise of full salvation and redemption -- through your Son, The Christ Jesus! Amen! (Pastor Jess Foglesong)

James 5:14-15 ....
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
3 John 1:2 ....
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.







Putting God First, is our purpose!


We are thankful to God, and to His Son, the Christ

Jesus; for

becoming the Lamb of God to secure mankind's


way home to the gates of heaven ... God's Blessings to all! 


God's blessings to you wherever you dwell on God's planet earth!  We have very important messages for you today..   Blessings to all of you as we give thanks to the Father in heaven for Salvaging us (the human race) from slavery and the tyrannical grip of the Prince of Darkness (that would be Satan); and we give thanks to His Son: The Christ Jesus,  coming to earth to disclose the true character of his Father in heaven, and for his sacrifice in death and Redemption, as mankind's Kinsman Redeemer, Mediator, and Representative in the presence of  His Father!  ....... May all be blessed by God .... through His Holy Spirit!  Blessings for a Great Year  ... wherever you are on God's earth ...


 Pastor Jess Foglesong


"God is Our Savior, through Christ Jesus"


"Praise GOD, YHVH, The Father!!!"



Thanks for your support!

Pastor Jess Foglesong, founder of and God's Touch Ministry (on Facebook) promoting the Word of God throughout the world and locally, here in the Bay Area ... Thanking you  for your support in keeping this ministry active and strong, online, so as many as possible can hear and receive the Gospel of Christ Jesus ... Guaranteeing you ... Everlasting life! Please give what you can ... at  for (you will be taken to a second window, to  ... Thank you so much, Pastor J Foglesong



Go to "God's Touch Ministry" on Facebook daily or every Sunday for inspiring messages (written or on video) ... with

Pastor Jess K Foglesong

God's blessings to you and yours! Always ... in the Christ, Jesus ...

 (now seated to right-side of God)!

*There are more Biblical messages posted on the other pages ... take a look!



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