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Welcome to


 Touched by God



with Pastor Jess K Foglesong



We wish all, God's Blessings ... Our prayers for all; we ask our Father in heaven to bring healing and recovery throughout this Nation and the World.  The prince of Darkness is stirring up havoc, but we know that The Prince of Peace is in control ... and will lead us -- his children -- back to Him, and to The Father -- to live eternally in peace and safety; with angels and family ... in Christ Jesus name, Amen!



James 5:14-15 ....
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
3 John 1:2 ....
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

For all of us that need to pray for our loved ones, our Nation and our World .....







Over 2000 years ago Jesus was taken to the

Cross and sacrificed himself as the

Sacrificial Lamb of God .... and the ransom

was paid, freeing you and me from the grip

of evil; giving human-kind the choice

to accept eternal life with God ... or death,

apart from God ... and it was a Good

Friday! ... And on the third day He rose! It

was a glorious Resurrection Day!  We give








Welcome ... Know that Putting God First ... Our

eternal Father in heaven, is always our

purpose!  ...  And we are thankful to God, and to His Son, the

Christ Jesus, for becoming the Lamb of God to secure mankind's

(YOU AND ME) way home to the gates of heaven ... God's

Blessings to all!




 "God's Touch Chapel, NV!"

(Look for us on Facebook, online)


I would like to personally welcome you today, here in the United States and throughout the world, wishing all God's blessings throughout the year! .... And no matter where you are in the world ... whether in a small village in Australia or Africa; in the rural countryside of Russia or India; or here in one of the many cities of the United States of America.  God has propagated through His wisdom a way to spread His "word" without leaving the confines of our homes -- in the World Wide Web (the Internet)!  And so as a minister of His word, I--instinctively, and with allegiance--am following His direction in proclaiming the gospel of Christ to you and as many as possible, throughout the entire world.  And I hope you and your family will benefit from this Church website, that you may discern and understand the true character of God, and know how important the "gospel" of His Son, The Christ Jesus is to all of us.  It is a matter of Life and Death.  Blessings to you and yours .... please stop in when you need answers and prayers .... God is always with you!  Pastor Jess Foglesong




 Touched by God Church .com with God's Touch Chapel, NV (Facebook) ... now

reaching over 50 countries, and over


throughout the globe!

(Affiliated with TouchedbyGodchurch.com)


Mission Statement:  

The Mission of Touched by God Church .com is to utilize (a gift of God) the world wide web via the internet website (https://www.touchedbyGodchurch.com) and God's Touch Chapel, NV on Facebook and other social sites (through the Holy Spirit) to pass on the knowledge and truth and  message of The Gospel, through the grace of God, the Father ... that His Son, The Christ, Jesus came to earth as a man (a God-man) to live and sacrifice himself as the Lamb of God, as a ransom for all of mankind ... to pay the penalty of  Sin; establishing a new blood covenant; giving all ... the choice, to accept The Gift of eternal Life ... or refuse, ending in Death!

Information about this ministry is summarized on our "About Us" page ...... plus information that may change your life!




Stop in at our Facbook Page


God's Touch Chapel, NV

where everything happens: where Pastor Jess Foglesong posts Theological and Biblical articles, as well as Video Sermons and Bible message recorded on YouTube!  Please stop in and receive the true Gospel of Christ Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, authorized by the loving Grace of God, The Father!







Please click the "pause" on the music above when you are ready to watch this welcoming video .....



 Video:  "Welcoming You" to

Touched by God Church World Ministry

...  by Pastor Jess K Foglesong!




 We thank God for the multitude of "gifts" that He has bestowed upon us: His children, his offspring, his marvelous creation: human kind. It behooves us to turn back to Him and to thank Him for His presence; for His light; for His decision to redeem us from slavery; from Satan's iron grip ...... and thank Him for interceding into human life as the Christ-Child: Jesus of Nazareth; as our Kinsman Redeemer and Representative .... covering all of our sins and iniquities, in your presence -- in heaven!  Blessings (in Christ) to you and your families!


 God's Touch Chapel, NV (Facebook)


Thanks for stopping in as we view the Character of God ... and all of the wondrous creations that He has placed throughout the universe, and here on earth.  His illustrations are everywhere!  Just open your eyes and see ...




Please also visit our

"Gospel Bible Verses Photos"

.... see more photos on column of the left


Let's Put God First through His inspired Bible verses, along with photos of His wonderful artistry, mostly photographed by Pastor Jess Foglesong


Here  are some of the Photos of  God's Artistry with Bible Gospel



And finally:

We are also sponsoring this facebook page:

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3 .... In God's eyes, the killing of the innocent (the child in the womb) is extremely abhorrent .... and therefore we at TouchedbyGodchurch.com World Ministries are in favor of God's position! We have instigated a new "Ministry" called "For Life" ..... and as the weeks go by will bring awareness to this huge problem .... and with HIS Holy Spirit as guidance, will assist in supporting ways to end groups that go against God's word. We ask that you give what you can to the Church, and we will indeed pass it on to groups that are in favor of following God's Word: Please use our Paypal.me Church account:  paypal.me/PastorJessforGod  ( Amen and blessings! (Pastor J Foglesong)


For-Life Ministry:




Broadcast Section:

with Pastor Jess Foglesong on YouTube! 


Pastor Jess currently broadcasting Biblical and Theological lessons on Youtube Video:

Videos!  "Click" on that page for great, eye-opening messages on the Character of  God and  amazing theological studies centering on God, His Son The Christ, Jesus ... the Gospel and Biblical History:

Lessons:  Videos:  Listed in order:

1. Introduction into understanding the Awesome Character of God!  2. The Awesome, Amazing Intelligence that Created the Universe.  3. God is Spirit, Divine, Energy ... Light!  4. God's plan shaping up Exponentially!  5.  Planet Earth was shaping up for human occupation!  6. God's Covenant with Abraham.  7. Egypt: Symbol of Evil!   8.  God's Divine Solution -- A Redeemer!  9 God became a Redeemer in Christ!  10.  Christ came to Disclose and Vindicate the Father.  11 Jesus was Killed as the Innocent Lamb! 12. The Killing of The Innocent!  13.  Have been touched by God?  14.  Easter ... the most important event in human history!  15.  God placed Information and Instuction in our DNA!   16. His Wisdom: Embedded in every Molecule and Atom!  17.  Jesus, The Christ is our Mediator ... our Redeemer!  18.  Heaven's Court System Reflects on our Own!  19.  God's True Character is Illustrated Everywhere -- Put God First!  20. Like Salmon, Whales and Birds ... We are Migrating Home Too!   21. God has a Difficult Problemn!   22.  Fossil Fuel ... is a Gift from God!   23. The Ten Commandments actually describes God's Character!   24. God's Presence ensures an Automatic World!   25. Our Earth is Very Special!  26.  Earth is an Arena of War (part one)  27.  Earth is an Arena of War (part 2)  28.  God's Mighty Hand  29.  Trees -- Reveal the hidden Face of God!  30.  Oil ... is one of God's most important Gift and Provision! 31.  Independence Day:  Our Freedom and Justice come from God!  32.  The Earth and You belong to God!  33.  God Illustrates by Grand Design!  34.  Being Positive: God's Healing Wisdom is deep within You!  35.  Why does God allow Earthqukes, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes?  36.  Does God involve Himself in our Politics?  37. Infidelity: A Falling Away from God! 38.  Alcoholism and Drug use: Is it Evil in God's Eyes?  39.  Does God Tolerate Homosexuality on Earth and in Heaven? 40. Who are Angels?  41. The Sabbath: A Time for Rest, in God; In Christ!  42. God Abhors Abortion (part 1)  43. God Abhors Abortion!  (part 2)  44.  Have We forgotten God, ... and Jesus?  45. What happens to US after Death?  46. Have WE become The Aliens?  47. Life is Precious ... but no guarantees except through Christ!48. Where is Your Allegiance?  49. Staying "Young at heart" ... in God!  50. God's Wisdom and the miraculous making of a Human Being!  51. Thanks for God's persistence ... the Universe saw us coming!  52. God Formed you and me in His Image! 53. Are You Mature Grapes ... Ready to be Picked?  54. Are We alone in the Universe due to sin? 55.  Are you ready for the Harvest?  God's final Word!  56.  God's Gifts and Thanksgiving is instilled by God! 57.  A Day in Infamy!  God Woke U.S. Up! 58.  God is Our Father and Mother in Heaven! 59.  Our True Father is in heaven! ... And many, many more! 


***Please "click" on the  "Lessons and messages"  video pages (see column on left) .... thank you!      (More to come)  .... here is one lesson by Pastor  Jess:  "Have you been Touched by God?"



Have you been Touched by God?



 The Church has a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Touched-By-God-World-Ministries/220218247172?ref=hl  


May God's presence bring you happiness and prosperity!  And may His Angels surround your family with Joy and Goodness with a message of everlasting life.  God bless you!




Illustrations Everywhere!



Signs and Illustrations -- Everywhere!



                   Music: God's "Promises "                                

(After viewing these articles, please stop by at this week's Sermon Article -- thanks so much, Pastor Jess)                    

Signs and Illustrations Everywhere!

                            by Pastor Jess Foglesong                           


There are various ways our Creator discloses who He is -- His ways and purpose. We just need to open our eyes! Illustrations are in Nature: in the natural actions of the physical world. In the grandeur of the mountains and oceans. In the day to day lives of human beings. You see His touch, His mark, His foot print everywhere. Sights and sounds; visuals and aromas; textures and palpations. He never ceases to shine His light, out of the darkness, continually providing us with the promise of total provision.

Take a gaze at the evening sky. The millions of glittering stars that shine bright and bold in various designs and shapes. What is God illustrating to us when we view such grandeur and magnificence? He tells us that He is constantly with us, that He encompasses every aspect of our world, of our Universe. His presence is confirmed by His light -- shone out of the darkness and Chaos.

Nearly all species of the animal world migrate. Some migrate thousands of miles back to their original place of birth. Whales, various species of fish such as salmon; birds, and even snakes and ocean crabs migrate. There seem to be this continuous movement back to its place of origin. Why do salmon, after hatching in shallow streams of various rivers, swim down river into the vast ocean where it matures for several years (3 to 4 years), then miraculously finding the exact same river, swim upstream -- against great odds and obstacles -- returning to the same spawning ground and die, after depositing it’s eggs or sperm for a new generation of off-spring. Why do swift Swallows travel endless, difficult miles to return to Capistrano? Why do milllions of beautiful Monarch Butterflies flutter thousands of treacherous distances back to their place of birth? What is it that God is illustrating to us? Is it that He is describing our own migration? Our migration back to the Father? To Him? We were created by Him, and along the way became lost (due to Sin -- Separation), only to be found again and invited back into his realm; His loving arms.

God Illustrates this story -- over and over again in the multitude of species that migrate: Butterflies, geese, ducks; swallows and many birds; thousands of animals make that trip. And it turns out that we too are in the process of making our way “home". Just as the Israelites did (in the Old Testament) when they left their homeland and went to Egypt; enslaved for centuries by the Pharaohs; released through a savior named Moses; traveled through the great wilderness and the desolate desert; and finally crossing the meandering Jordan River, to the Land of Milk and Honey -- a land set forth by the True Savior: God Himself -- through His Son: The Christ, Jesus.  An Illustration by God … of humanity lost, but found again … His Amazing, Amazing Grace.



What is being Touched By God?

By Pastor Jess Foglesong

How many of us have been “touched by God?” Well, I am guessing, that many of you have already -- and not realizing it. And so, what is -- being touched by God? Is it an emotional, spiritual experience? Is it a vision? How about an event: perhaps a close call with death; or even an epiphany (an awakening of sort).

Well, very true … there are many people who do experience such events in their lives that count as being touched by God.

But really, it’s not always the unusual event that is considered being touched; actually it is the normal everyday things that will touch you -- whether you know it or not. It’s waking up in the morning and greeting the day with exuberance and enthusiasm -- and delight. Knowing that all you see before you is a gift! Provided for you by a loving and generous Father, who has carefully managed this world with you in mind.

We are touched by the beautiful sunrise, each morning. The crisp feeling of the breeze that bathe your face as you head off to your daily duties. As you gaze at the terrain: the trees, the sky, the mountains, the vegetation, the waterways, and so much more. You are in awe of the wonders of man’s creations, as well: buildings, vehicles, bridges, ships, and many more. You are touched by the variety of faces; of smiles, and laughter, and expressions, and busyness … everywhere. You are astonished by the complexity of life. So much to absorb, in just what you see in a day. But all of it is only possible because we are connected to someone who cares for us; who created all of what we see before our eyes. And if we simply realize this --- that is when we actually start believing that we are “touched by God.”

Being ‘touched by God’ therefore is a “realization.” Not an event or an epiphany (for example what Paul experienced). It is a realization that without God’s presence: His creative hands; His provision; His promise; His love … all of what we see and enjoy is null and void.

We are touched by His presence daily … and without Him -- we might as well be living on Mars … void of any kind of life!

God’s presence assures and guarantees a second by second continuum. Without His touch; His power; His awesomeness: His light … our balloon would simply deflate! Another analogy would be Superman: one of my favorite movie super heroes. I recall in a scene when Superman flies in to visit Lois Lane; they are outdoors on her terrace when she ask him how does it feel to fly without wings … and he says well, why don’t we find out. And he takes her hand, and off they go … higher and higher, over the city lights and up above the clouds. And while they are hovering high above the earth (close to heaven), Lois -- still holding on to Superman’s hand -- moves, little by little, away from him, with her arms apart -- flying! Until finally they are only touching each other by their finger tips. Then in an “instant” … there is a miniscule separation, and … HELP ME!!!!!!!! I’M FALLING!!!

It was Superman’s presence; His power, that kept her from crashing to the ground. And of course before she hit the ground, he sweeps her back up into his arms and safety.

I submit that without God’s presence, the same would happen to mankind. That is, He is in constant contact with us. And if for any reason we lose touch (contact) with Him -- we fall! Which is what happened to the Arch Angel: Lucifer. He fell (or was banished) to Earth, where He is today.

God is our Superman! He is our Super Hero! We too fell -- at one time -- but He chose to gather us back up, into His arms … to be totally in touch with us. And today, we enjoy His unmistakable presence: His mark; His signature; His spirit; His footprint is everywhere!

Now -- do you feel touched by God?


“Let’s Not Lose Focus …”

Pastor Jess Foglesong


As an advocate of the Nature and Character of God, I try to keep focused on His purposes and presence. In my mind there is no other subject more important, than the dealings of our Creator. And I realize that most of us simply cannot continually, on a day to day basis, focus on a being that is not visibly present; that does not show himself outright, or even make himself obviously known.

In order to understand who and what He is … we have to read and study books of history or of faith that reveal his presence. But that is time consuming, and not an easy task.

Most of us are so busy in our daily lives that we put Him on a side burner. It is a difficult task to stay on point -- focused. We are after-all normal human beings and as normal beings we do what we do: we live life. And our Creator made us exactly just this way. He wants us to enjoy life; be free to think and do the things we love and cherish, without vices and restrictions.

But how do we keep from losing focus on where we came from and who made us? How do we understand that we have a “Father” that is always there observing, waiting in the wings, ready to give a hand if we stumble; assuring that we have a clear avenue for when we are ready to come home; leading us toward the right path, whenever we ask for directions.

How do we keep our minds open to the fact that we cannot exist without the Creator- -- without God! Some of us think that everything in our world can be controlled -- by us: mankind. Not the case! We like to think that we are caretakers of our existence, of our future. But it is simply foolish on our part to think that we are in control of every aspect of life, of nature, of the environment. 

We must understand that we are the culmination of a long process: of a plan that encompassed billions of years of creation. Of careful fine-tuning and adjustments (like a watchmaker) in-order that we emerge, intact -- as fully functional, intelligent human beings. A process that would have not survived without a designer that was there at every stage and step of the way. Without His constant and continuous presence, chaos would immediately move in, ensue  and consume.

We must realize that we are not on this earth alone, fending for ourselves. We have someone that is nearby rooting for us, encouraging us, inspiring us -- invisible,unseen, behind the scenes.  And He desires for us to recognize that He is our Father, our Creator, our Designer, our true Craftsman.

All He ask is that we take a moment to remember that He is the Father who made us and sustains us. To take time to acknowledge that we are “ Under God” … that there would be NO life without His Care, and His Love.

As human beings, we have been instilled with a “Moral Law” … a law of right behavior. A Law that gives us a higher standard of behavior. Separating us from all other creatures. A reflection of the Character of God. A behavior that ask us to respect our fellow human beings; to treat others as you would want them to treat you. To be kind and loving … attributes that are given to us; instilled in us … in our DNA; our chromosomes.

 So let’s not let a day go by when we don’t take just a second to reflect on who God is: our Father, our Creator, our comforter, our redeemer (through His Son) our savior, our caregiver, our rock … He is, and will be forever in the wings -- 24/7 -- observing humanity -- you!



Pastor Jess has published 5 books, his latest book entitled:

"God is Our Father in Heaven!"

This Book is dedicated to God, our Father in Heaven, who sacrificed His Son, The Christ Jesus, to redeem a lost human race! God sent His Son to earth as an extension of Himself in heaven, to be an embryo, a fetus and a Christ-child, to become the chosen Messiah … as written in Isaiah. His Son came as a disclosure of the true character of God, the supreme ruler of the universe. And he came to free human kind from the diabolical grip of slavery brought upon all by the prince of darkness: Lucifer (Satan). Death could not hold The Christ, as He rose in victory! He indeed became the reflection of his Father in heaven, radiating and projecting His loving, benevolent, gentle manner for all to see.

The book is available at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, Borders and other online bookstores

 (in Paperback and Kindle form)

Click at this Amazon address to see Book:
Chaplain/Pastor Jess has traveled throughout the countryside sharing the gospel and other popular songs, ... Here is one of our favorite songs: "Amazing Grace" -- an upbeat version!
Here are two of America's beloved songs:  America The Beautiful (Katherine Lee Bates, composed in 1895);
and "God Bless America" (by Irving Berlin, 1917 WWI)

Here is another wonderful song with Pastor Jess at the guitar:

"Mary Did You Know?"


Chaplain/Pastor Jess presently travels and visits the Disabled, Senior and Post-Acute Communities throughout (Sonoma and Napa counties) as part of our "Music and Chat Ministry" outreach program, bringing popular music of their era (including Big Band, showtunes and favorite spiriual and gospels); which benefits them and in turn brings in needed income to keep this ministry on line and the Word of God in the forefront throughout the world.

And Finally:

Here's a great song by spiritual leader: Don Moen "God is Good"







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