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Rev. Jess
07-17-2010 10:07:47 AM CST

Our prayers and good, positive thoughts go out to Kismet in Honolulu, Hawaii for God's healing wisdom to bring her to a complete recovery from a heart attack and stroke. To her family as well, in bringing them comfort. God be with Kismet at this difficult time.

Rev. Jess
05-23-2010 11:58:23 AM CST

We lost our sister -- Laura -- this past week; she has gone to her true Father in heaven; and to meet all the Ohanas that went before her. Laura has been one of the best human beings I have ever known -- strong and steady throughout her busy, wonderful life.. And she raised a very close knit, loving family that will miss her gu...idance and love; but because she instilled such love and devotion for each other ... they will go forward, as strong as ever ... in their mom's memory. All of our thoughts and prayers go to her entire family .... God bless

Rev. Jess
05-17-2010 11:12:27 PM CST

Karen and I saw sister Laura today ... we had a very nice long visit ... reminisced and talked story. May God and His angels comfort her, every moment, every hour, every day, as she experiences this event in her life. We ask that God reveal His " healing" wisdom deep within her, in bringing relief and tranquility to... her body and soul ... in helping her find the will, strength and determination to go on ... that her beautiful 'smile' shines through and light up all of our hearts.

Rev. Jess
04-13-2010 11:51:13 PM CST

Through your prayers and good thoughts ..... through the knowledge and healing hands of the medical team ... through Kevin's faith and determination ... through a loving partner ... through trust in God ... sometimes the news is good! Kevin's Dr. says: he is cancer free!

Rev. Jess
04-04-2010 10:43:57 AM CST

Easter is the symbol of 'New Life' ... Jesus died on the cross as the sacrificial lamb, ensuring that his blood was shed, warding off the angel of death; passing over all who have put their faith in him; with a new beginning; new life; eternal life! Happy Easter! Everyone!

Rev. Jess
04-02-2010 11:29:06 PM CST

Prayers and thoughts to Kevin ... as he admits himself into the hospital for a major operation to remove a cancerous tumor. We pray that God and His angels comfort him, and bring him the healing from deep within; from where your "Wisdom" dwells, within the hallows of the quantum world. God be with Kevin and Brooke through these difficult times ....

Rev. Jess
03-22-2010 11:51:32 PM CST

God Bless America! May His presence continue to guide us, especially when "forces" try to lead us away from the "Freedom" that was established and proclaimed by our earthly forefathers ... in the Declaration of Independence. God has seen countries fall , due to social oppression and despair .... our faith continue to ......be with Him, in keeping a keen eye on our progress and journey of truth, honor and justice .... and the American way. And most of all: Trusting in the God of the universe ... Hail to the Creator!

Rev. Jess
03-22-2010 11:48:22 PM CST

Our very dearest friend -- Teresa -- has been moved to a Rehabilitation Care home for further therapy and treatment. She continues to do well, although still affected by Left brain CVA, right side weakness. We continue to pray for her stabilization and healing. God is with her .... and will do what He can to comfort her and perhaps bring her back to a more normal state. God bless ...

Rev. Jess
03-08-2010 8:39:57 PM CST

Our dear, dear friend -- Teresa -- is very ill and in the Hospital. Please say a prayer for her and her family. She is very special to us and we love her. May God and His angels be with her .......

Rev. Jess
02-06-2010 11:26:21 AM CST
We continue to send prayers to -- son -- Kevin in his battle with cancer .... He has completed Chemo Therapy .... although all of the smaller tumors have been cleared, there still is one larger growth that still need to be dealt with .... more work with him, the doctors and God. Thinking positve ... all the way!

Rev. Jess
01-14-2010 1:55:11 PM CST

45 to 50,000 may have perished in the devastation in Haiti .... calling for your prayers; prayers from all parts of the world -- prayers (as one) for relief, for order, for comfort in their dismay .... for God's presence.

Rev. Jess
01-14-2010 1:51:32 PM CST

Son, Kevin, has completed his Chemo treatments, although has struggled with lots discomfort and low blood count, has kept a positive attitude ... has kept faith in the process, believing that life is precious ... and knowing that God's presence is ongoing. There is still a ways to go .... our prayers go to him and his immediate family: Brooke and Kaiulani ... God Bless them

Rev. Jess
12-21-2009 9:47:42 PM CST

Son, Kevin, is in his 5th week of cancer chemo treatments -- and other than having a diminished red blood count, is fighting this intrusion intensely ... he has a very loving fiance and daughter that are constantly by his side. May God's Presence surround Kevin and lead him to overcoming this disease, to a long and happy life.

Rev. Jess
10-18-2009 12:02:24 AM CST
Our dear friend -- Frank -- pictured below, has gone to his Father in heaven. We pray for his dear wife and family. We know that Frank is now free of pain, and is enjoying new life and status of being one with God and all of the Angels.

Rev. Jess
10-02-2009 11:35:16 PM CST

Our dear friend, Frank, has accepted visits by hospice ... as he chose not to have "treatments" ... and is diminshing daily. We trust that God and his angels are present and at his side to lead him home. Through His Son, he will be born again ...

Rev. Jess ( Kamiki)
09-27-2009 12:24:30 AM CST

Our prayers go to sister Laura, who has been stricken with cancer ... she is in treatment, and has an outstanding support system with a very close and caring family. May God's presence be with her in lifting her up to the challenge of beating this terrible disease. God Bless ...

Rev. Jess
09-27-2009 12:14:30 AM CST

Our prayers are for Kenny and Jason -- brothers -- who have just been deployed to Afganistan in the Army's 82nd Airborne. We hope Your Presence is with them as they commence with their daily duties: volunteering to keep all peoples free from tyranny and strief. God Bless ...

Rev. Jess
09-27-2009 12:02:05 AM CST

Prayers and thoughts for my wife's daughter, Lisa, who was in a very freaky accident with her vehicle, while backing out of her garage: injuring her pelvis and acetibulum (hip socket)and will be recovering and in physical therapy for the next several weeks and months. Our prayers and thoughts are for her ... for a smooth and swift recovery.

Rev. Jess
09-11-2009 2:43:52 PM CST
y wife and I visited a very dear friend in the hospital recently. He is suffering from bone cancer. He had just returned from radiation, and was in good spirits. He mentioned that he wanted to fight this. We are praying for his swift recovering, and am putting a request that God send His Angels to assist in protecting and comforting him in these tough days. God bless ....

Rev. Jess
09-02-2009 12:29:25 AM CST

I got a call from my son's Fiance'... and she emotionally stated that Kevin has testicular cancer .... He is 35, and after talking with him, I am glad that he has a strong will to live! And although he doesn't want anyone to make a big fuss about it, he undrstands that everyone is praying for him. He will look at it "positively" and do all that is necessary (medically) to ward off this intrusion. I will pray and ask for God's presence and wisdom to intervene on Kevin's behalf. To allow His Angels (Mighty Ones) to surround him with a shield of protection and comfort .... as the days, and months go by. We all stand strong with our Father in heaven, in leading us, with our heads held high -- back into his loving care. Through His Son, The Christ Jesus ... Amen

Rev. Jess
06-27-2008 12:09:56 AM CST

God's presence is unrelenting ... He is "with us" every second of the time. And especially, He is with us at those very low times of our lives. All you need to do is to reach out ... talk to Him in prayer. Even though He manages the entire realm of His Kingdom, He will take a moment to look at your situation -- no matter how hopeless things are ... Our lives are intertwine within His plan for all of us to receive total provision and love. We are all within the interim of time, until that moment of New Life, within His Kingdom: We will be born again; we will be (once more) in total harmony . It is the "Promise."

06-22-2008 10:28:54 PM CST

Thank you for including us in your emails. Always Always do . . . Joe loves reading the website. Wanted to tell you a Testimony. A family that Joe and I advocate for through our Non-Profit, have turned their lives over to God. We have worked closely with this family for over a Year. We never brought up anything about the Bible, nor did we judge them in our tones. Now and then I would hand their children little trinkets for them to play with. Well, just last weekend . . . the 12 year girl came out to see me as I was getting out of the car. She threw her arms around me and said look in my box right here. I opened the box and every little trinket I had ever given her was in there wrapped in plastic. She looked at me and said, "Can you help me be God's friend . . ." I smiled placed my hand on her head and Prayed. As I prayed over her . . . her Mother walked out to see what was going on. I lost touch with what she was saying and Prayed even harder. The Mother began to weep and the child fell back and was smiling and crying. After a short talk with the Parents - we found out from the daughter that the parents had a drinking problem accept on the days that Joe and I came to visit. In short, they are going to church - both parents are going to AA meetings. And the daughter is in a Youth Group at their Local Church. God works . . . for on this day that Joe and I went was the day that we were ordered to take a report and observe this family as I supervisor was going to report them to CPS - due to the clear neglect we had seen. This was about three months ago. This family now comes to our Community Meetings and talk about their choices and consequences. The understand they are new to God. We reassure them that - God is The True Old Friend - as he knew them long before they were conceived and he had already had their Destiny tailored made for them. We are grateful for the breath we breathe. Thanks Uncle Jess for all your Works.

03-23-2008 07:07:15 am CDT
I came back and will add this to my favorite button. I enjoy and witness the wonderfull sights and sounds of our world and know it comes from a highter power--enjoy each day--

Your Reverend
03-1-2008 01:08:09 am CST
We ask our Father in Heaven to shine His light and healing powers on all stricken with this unrelenting and deadly disease -- Cancer. That He gives comfort and solace to so many in our Families and friendships that have been seized and shackled by the affects of the 'evil' one --the cause of all strife, pain and suffering. We ask for your loving, healing power and grace to hover over all who are in need -- at this critical time. We ask you in the name of your son -- Jesus The Christ -- and you: the I Am and the I Will Be ... Jehovah ... God.

02-28-2008 05:41:23 am CST
I came into this site this morning--was totally impressed and feel very comfortable here. maybe a prayer or two could help the boss overcome his faults? thanks

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